Friday, 18 September 2009


Some more works in process, Top image is very experimental, i've gone to like very stylised and textured images, but i also much like how old photographs look, so basicly i'm trying to get that photographic effect yet subject matter and characters withing the image has to look realistic, but still naive like in shape.

The 2 dinosaur roughs i wanted to do simply becouse i havent done any real natural history for a long time, and since i do mainly digital these days, and i do still have this childhood passion for anything dinosaur, then i though it was about time i actualy did something, i still need to work out quite a bit, but so far i think i'm leaning more to the b&w rough, this has a much more dynamic and stronger feel to it. Finished piece i plan to do in full colour.

some new half finished pieces

This image was supose to be for a competition but started it way to late and not working out a proper rough to work from has resulted in it being late, hopefully i can get this finished for a portfolio piece :)

Friday, 11 September 2009

sea view

Not sure what to do with this one, at one hand i like the rough unfinished look, but yet i'm also tempted to maybe create a much larger, more polished piece, which i think would also work quite well as a slightly sureal image with also a deeper meaning with the 2 chairs joined as one as they are here.